discovering the
goodness of
jesus together
Our Vision
At City Life Kids we want children to discover the goodness of Jesus so that they grow to love him, trust him, follow him, and tell others about him. Our aim is to help kids grow in their understanding of the gospel and what it means to be a disciple of Jesus by creatively engaging kids with age-appropriate worship and Bible lessons and activities.
Kids Life meets on the 1st and 2nd floors of our south building. If you are planning to visit for the first time, we recommend that you arrive 15 minutes early to register and check-in your children in the Kids area (south hallway). Our greeters will be happy to assist you and get your children to their appropriate classroom!
Generally, our elementary age (K-4th) kids will join us in worship for the first portion of the service (songs and scripture) until the time we greet one another (“passing of the peace”) — please see “Monthly Rhythm for Elementary” below for more info. At that time, we dismiss children to go to their classes by lining up along the west wall of the Sanctuary, where teachers will be stationed and visible. We ask that a parent/caregiver walk their child to their teacher to make sure they find their way. Please note that you still need to check in your school-age child(ren) for City Life Kids, even though they won’t immediately go to class.
First Floor
Nursery - Infants & Movers: birth-24 mths
Tots: walking-2 yrs old
Toddlers: 3 yrs old
Pre-K: 4-5 yrs AND potty trained
Second Floor
Elementary - Kindergarten thru 4th Grade (We do not have Sunday programming for 5th graders.*)
Monthly Rhythm for Elementary
First Sundays
K-3rd begin in worship and dismissed at greeting time.
4th grade will stay for entire worship service.
Please check in before service begins.
Second, Third, Fourth Sundays
K-4th begin in worship and dismissed at greeting time.
Please check in before service begins.
Fifth Sundays, when appicable
K-4th will stay for entire worship service. Please do not check in.
*5th & 6th Graders are part of our Preteen Ministry, which gathers regular on Wednesday nights, 6:30-8 pm, north building, beginning Aug 28.
All of our teachers and volunteers go through an application process, including a background check and training, before serving in City Life Kids. In addition, there is a security team member present on both floors during worship, as well as surveillance cameras to ensure the highest level of security and safety at all times. We want you to rest assured that your children are safe and well cared for.
City Life utilizes MinstrySafe for training and background checks of our volunteers. More info at ministrysafe.com.
more info
For more info about City Life Kids, including serving opportunities, please fill out the form and we will connect with you.